Impact of the Wetting Length on Flexible Blade Spreading, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 254506, (2020)

 Impact of the Wetting Length on Flexible Blade Spreading
Marion Krapez, Anaïs Gauthier, Hamid Kellay, Jean-Baptiste Boitte, Odile Aubrun, Jean-François Joanny, and Annie Colin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 254506 – Published 18 December 2020

Résumé :

We study the spreading of a Newtonian fluid by a deformable blade, a common industrial problem, characteristic of elastohydrodynamic situations. Here, we consider the case of a finite reservoir of liquid, emptying as the liquid is spread. We evidence the role of a central variable : the wetting length l_w, which sets a boundary between the wet and dry parts of the blade. We show that the deposited film thickness e depends quadratically with l_w. We study this problem experimentally and numerically by integration of the elastohydrodynamic equations, and finally propose a scaling law model to explain how l_w influences the spreading dynamics.

Impact of the Wetting Length on Flexible Blade Spreading, PRL, 2020. Impact of the Wetting Length on Flexible Blade Spreading, PRL, 2020.

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Equipe Matériaux Innovants pour l’Energie, membre du laboratoire CBI (Chimie Biologie Innovation)

Bâtiment G/E
ESPCI ParisTech
10 rue Vauquelin
75005 Paris

Directrice MIE : Pr. Annie Colin (annie.colin (arobase)
Gestionnaire : Isabelle Borsenberger +33 (0)1 40 79 46 35
Assistante de gestion : Hélène Dodier +33 (0)1 40 79 46 35