Articles Scientifiques
Stability of an elongated thickness fluctuation in a horizontal soap film
Functionality integration in stereolithography 3D printed microfluidics using a “print-pause-print” strategy
Line tension in a thick soap film
Flowable Electrodes from Colloidal Suspensions of Thin Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
Studying surfactant mass transport through dynamic interfacial tension measurements: A review of the models, experiments, and the contribution of microfluidics
Mitigating the influence of multivalent ions on power density performance in a single-membrane capacitive reverse electrodialysis cell
Stabilized Ferroelectric NaNbO3 Nanowires for Lead-Free Piezoelectric Nanocomposite Applications
Macroscopic Access Resistances Hinders the Measurement of Ion-Exchange-Membrane Performances for Electrodialysis Processes
Comparison of miniaturized mechanical and osmotic energy harvesting systems
A Strategy for Power Density Amelioration of...