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Stability of an elongated thickness fluctuation in a horizontal soap film
Stability of an elongated thickness fluctuation in a horizontal soap film Isabelle Cantat & Corentin Trégouët https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-fluid-mechanics/article/stability-o
Functionality integration in stereolithography 3D printed microfluidics using a “print-pause-print” strategy
Functionality integration in stereolithography 3D printed microfluidics using a “print-pause-print” strategy M Sagot, T Derkenne, P Giunchi, Y Davit, JP Nougayrède, C Tregouet, V Raimbault, L (...)
Line tension in a thick soap film
Line tension in a thick soap film T Lenavetier, G Audéoud, M Berry, A Gauthier, R Poryles, C Trégouët, I Cantat https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.054001 Résumé : The (...)
Flowable Electrodes from Colloidal Suspensions of Thin Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
Flowable Electrodes from Colloidal Suspensions of Thin Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes M Hamouma, W Neri, X Bril, J Yuan, A Colin, N Brémond, P Poulin https://www.mdpi.com/2504-5377/8/3/32 Résumé : (...)
Studying surfactant mass transport through dynamic interfacial tension measurements : A review of the models, experiments, and the contribution of microfluidics
Studying surfactant mass transport through dynamic interfacial tension measurements : A review of the models, experiments, and the contribution of microfluidics C Brigodiot, M Marsiglia, C (...)
Mitigating the influence of multivalent ions on power density performance in a single-membrane capacitive reverse electrodialysis cell
Mitigating the influence of multivalent ions on power density performance in a single-membrane capacitive reverse electrodialysis cell N Wu, M Levant, Y Brahmi, C Tregouet, A Colin (...)
Stabilized Ferroelectric NaNbO3 Nanowires for Lead-Free Piezoelectric Nanocomposite Applications
Stabilized Ferroelectric NaNbO3 Nanowires for Lead-Free Piezoelectric Nanocomposite Applications Minh-Thanh Do, Kévin Zimny, Abhishek Singh Dahiya, Jinkai Yuan, Rajaoarivelo Mbolotiana, Eric (...)
Macroscopic Access Resistances Hinders the Measurement of Ion-Exchange-Membrane Performances for Electrodialysis Processes
Macroscopic Access Resistances Hinders the Measurement of Ion-Exchange-Membrane Performances for Electrodialysis Processes Timothée Derkenne, Annie Colin, Corentin Tregouet (...)
Comparison of miniaturized mechanical and osmotic energy harvesting systems
Comparison of miniaturized mechanical and osmotic energy harvesting systems Nan Wu, Timothée Derkenne, Corentin Tregouet, Annie Colin Nano Energy Available online 21 October 2023 DOI : (...)
A Strategy for Power Density Amelioration of...
A Strategy for Power Density Amelioration of Capacitive Reverse Electrodialysis Systems with a Single Membrane, Nan Wu, Youcef Brahmi, and Annie Colin, Environmental Science & Technology (...)